Saturday, September 22, 2012

Intro to Key West

When you get to Key West, its understandable that all that you could seem to think about is Margaritaville, going to the beach, and snapping a few photos next to the Southernmost Point buoy. But there comes a point in your tour of the city, as you're walking down Duval Street or trying to find your way through the one way street maze, when you realize "My stomach is going to eat itself if I don't find anything to eat soon."

I realize this is hard to conceptualize for many people, but Key West is.....isolated. It's a place where the only department store shopping experience you will have within a 4 hour radius is a single Sears store on Roosevelt Boulevard.
A place where there is ONE Winn Dixie and two Publix. And no, there is no Wal-Mart or Target--and in fact, Cuba is closer than the nearest of either of those two stores. Even Taco Bell and KFC are a delicacy, being and hour away in Marathon. 

Okay, Okay, you get the point: no Olive Gardens, no Chili's, no PF Chang's, nothing of the sort!  So what on earth is there to eat in this wretchedly isolated place? Answer: you have to look.

In this blog, I'll try to reveal some restaurants that aren't so well known around the island, and review some that are. As much as I like and use Urbanspoon in my travels, it just wasn't cutting it with what the good grub is here on the island. 

There are tons of restaurants--many only locals know about, and others only tourists stick to (like Pizza Hut). But, stick with me, and you'll likely be chowing on something good from this unique selection of grub here on the island.

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